Paper Submission
The online paper submission system is now open! You can submit papers as well as update the information of submitted papers until the submission deadline.
Submission formats
Interspeech 2008 will have two types of submission formats:
- Full Paper (4 page limit)
- Short Paper (1 page limit)
Submission details
- Both types are to be submitted before or on the day of the submission deadline via the online submission system and the choice of which type to submit resides with the author(s).
- Both types are structured - each will contain Title; Authors; Affiliations; Abstract; Introduction/Background; Methods; Results; Discussion/Conclusions; References.
- Submitted papers must adhere to the format, length and style specified in the Author Kits. Please use the templates provided (either Full Paper or Short Paper) to ensure a coherent style in the Proceedings. Templates are provided for Latex, Microsoft Word, and Open Office.
- Paper submissions of both types must be in PDF format.
- All papers submitted to Interspeech 2008 must be original contributions that neither have been submitted to any other conference or journal, nor will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the review process of Interspeech 2008. It is also a condition that at least one author of an accepted paper is registered by the early registration deadline, or the paper will be withdrawn and not published in the proceedings.
- Reviewers will be instructed as follows: To be accepted, a paper in either format must have clear merit and must include data and results. In the special case of more theoretical submissions, clearly expounded theories, theorems, predictions, etc. must be included, and in the case of a review-type submission, a detailed methodology and evaluation of the prior work as well as qualitative and/or quantitative results of the evaluation must be included.
- Reviewers' comments will be sent to authors on Tuesday June 16, and successful authors will be permitted to review their paper in accord with the reviewers' comments. Note that if a paper is submitted as a Full 4-page Paper, its revision must also be a 4-page paper; if a paper is submitted as a Short 1-page Paper, its revision must also be a 1-page paper.
- Each type of paper is equivalent in the following ways:
- Both types are reviewed by 3 reviewers and papers are considered on their merits irrespective of submission format.
- Each type may be slated for presentation either as an oral paper, or a poster according to the judgment of the Technical Program Committee and no correspondence will be entered into.
- Each type may be designated as a contender for a special session, but the final decision regarding this rests with the Technical Program Committee and no correspondence will be entered into.
- Each paper, irrespective of type will be included in the proceedings under the appropriate session heading.
- Each type of paper is NOT equivalent in the following way:
- In the footer and/or header in the Proceedings, Full Papers will have a notice 'Accepted on the basis of a peer review of the full paper' and Short Papers will have a notice 'Accepted on the basis of a peer review of the 1-page short paper'.